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Ricordiamo che eShop Logistic Srl e’ una realtà specializzata in servizi di Logistica e Supply Chain (visitare i link per maggiori informazioni tecniche su queste attività – Wikipedia) integrate che spaziano da servizi di Fulfilment e-commerce a sevizi B2B ed omnichannel.
L’azienda fa fede su oltre 30 anni di esperienza nel settore della Logistica, Spedizioni e servizi a valore aggiunto (VAS) sul territorio nazionale ed internazionale.
I propri soci, infatti, vengono da importanti realtà logistiche e di gestione del personale di magazzino, mettendo a disposizione il proprio pacchetto di esperienza operativa, commerciale, imprenditoriale.
I nostri servizi di logistica Italia ed internazionale, prevedono numerosi servizi operativi. Di seguito ne elenchiamo alcuni:
- Servizi di inbound – ricezione merci: scarico camion, scarico container, scarico mezzi groupage, scarico bancali, scarico colli, scarico capi appesi.
Controllo quantità e controllo qualità. Servizi di etichettatura e kitting, servizi a valore aggiunto on demand, put-a-way. Possibilità di servizi fotografici specifici per controllo merci.
- Servizi di immagazzinamento e stoccaggio merci: stoccaggio merci su scaffali tipici per il settore eCommerce, stoccaggio su strutture per bancali, stoccaggio capi appesi ed affitto aree operative dedicate.
- Servizi di approntamento e gestione degli ordini: prelievo articoli, picking, packing, azioni di imballaggio specifiche, fornitura di materiale di imballaggio, packaging e materiale di riempimento con la massima attenzione alla sostenibilità. Servizi specifici a valore aggiunto, pacchi regalo, pacchi natale, biglietti auguri, messaggistica e tanto altro.
La nostra logistica effettua servizi sia per il settore eCommerce, che retail, wholesale, omnichannel, metaverso (vedi Wikipedia).
Offriamo servizi logistici manuali su misura, ma anche automatizzati con utilizzo di strutture gestite da AI (vedi pagina Wikipedia) e robot o cobot (Vedi Wikipedia).
- Servizi di trasporto e spedizione: spedizioni e trasporti a carico completi, FTL, carichi parziali, LTL, Groupage, spedizioni colli e buste, spedizioni espresse, spedizioni con sistemi postali e semi postali consolidati. Offriamo soluzioni di cross docking, drop shipping. I nostri servizi sono specifici per ecommerce B2C e B2B. Offriamo soluzioni di trasporto su misura con servizi a valore aggiunto quali same day delivery, spedizioni white gloves, spedizioni con contrassegno (COD – Cash on Delivery), soluzioni con assicurazione, servizi spedizioni urgenti e resi integrati. I nostri servizi vengono svolti in collaborazione con i piu’ importanti trasportatori e corrieri ma anche con servizi specifici locali.
- Servizi di gestione resi: per i settori e-Commerce e retail, offriamo soluzioni specifiche per la gestione dei resi: scarico merci, ricezione, controllo qualità resi, controllo quantità resi, ripristino, rietichettatura, sostituzione imballi, pulizia, smacchiatura, stiraggio, vaporizzazione e tanti altri servizi su richiesta (VAS).
- Soluzioni logistiche su misura: offriamo servizi di fulfillment sfruttando le nostre strutture esistenti, ma anche proponendo soluzione ex novo “Greenfield” o “Brownfield” ovvero identificando aree e magazzini nuovi o da costruire, settando nuovi servizi operativi, installando i nostri sistemi informatici ed eventuali automazioni. Inoltre, possiamo offrire soluzioni di outsourcing logistico: ovvero possiamo entrare all’interno dei magazzini dei nostri clienti, assumendone il personale, settando sistemi IT ed automazione. Offriamo inoltre soluzioni logistiche Marketplace.
- Siamo altamente informatizzati: grazie ai nostri sistemi informatici e-commerce e B2B per la gestione delle attivita’ operative, utilizziamo sistemi in cloud WMS, TMS, CRM (vedi Wikipedia). Siamo disponibili ad utilizzare i sistemi IT dei nostri partner e clienti. Grazie alla nostra esperienza, e flessibilità evitiamo costi di set up insostenibili, poiché’ i nostri sistemi sono evoluti e non hanno bisogno di mesi di programmazione prima di essere pronti! Questo garantendo sicurezza e professionalità.
- Assicurazioni: offriamo servizi di supply chain e logistica eCommerce Italia, logistica e-commerce Italia, e-commerce logistic italy, eCommerce Logistic Italy, fulfillment in Europa, spedizioni eCommerce con o senza assicurazione.
- Network Internazionale: siamo parte di un network internazionale in grado di coprire numerose aree del Mondo ed aiutare i nostri clienti all’internazionalizzazione ed espansione dei propri servizi all’estero. Offriamo la possibilità di utilizzare un unico IT Backbone e grazie al nostro gruppo di intervento internazionale, portiamo la nostra esperienza ovunque nel mondo.
- Logistica sostenibile: offriamo soluzioni super professionali nel rispetto della sostenibilità economica (prezzi concorrenziali), senza proporre costi di gestione logistica, costi di set up di magazzino, costi di project manager o costi di investimento (CAPEX) o costi operativi (OPEX) importanti: siamo disposti ad investire nella collaborazione con i nostri clienti e partner. La cura della sostenibilità è anche cura dell’ambiente, di conseguenza apportiamo la massima attenzione ai consumi, tipologia energia utilizzata, materiali di imballo e riempimento, gestione scarti e smaltimenti, attività di smartworking, ecc.
- Varie: affiancamo i nostri clienti e partner fornendo assistenza e consulenza grazie al nostro pool di Key Accounts e Project Managers e mettendo a disposizione un Pannello di Controllo (Area Clienti) che permette la massima visibilità e trasparenza dei processi e servizi operativi da noi gestiti. Studiamo ogni progetto con utilizzo dei nostri Solution Designers e Logistic Engineers.
- Industrie gestite: offriamo logistica Italia ed estera per varie industrie, quali: Consumer Products (Logistica Fashion, Logistica Moda, Logistica Cosmetica, Logistica prodotti dietetici, Logistica integratori alimentari, Logistica Lusso, Logistica articoli sportivi, Logistica calzature, Logistica accessori, Logistica materiale sportivo, Logistica bigiotteria e minuteria, ecc.), Tech (logistica articoli informatici, logistica accessori IT, logistica hardware, ecc.), Healthcare e Cibo secco (senza richieste di temperatura controllata o refrigerata).
- Aree: eShop Logistic servizi logistica B2B e B2C offre i servizi in Italia, Europa, USA, Mondo.
Specialmente in Italia:
Logistica ecommerce Milano;
Logistica ecommerce Roma;
Logistica ecommerce Parma;
Logistica ecommerce Verona;
Logistica ecommerce Torino;
Logistica ecommerce Bologna;
Logistica ecommerce Firenze;
Logistica ecommerce Bari;
Logistica ecommerce Napoli;
Logistica e-commerce Milano;
Logistica e-commerce Roma;
Logistica e-commerce Parma;
Logistica e-commerce Verona;
Logistica e-commerce Torino;
Logistica e-commerce Bologna;
Logistica e-commerce Firenze;
Logistica e-commerce Bari;
Logistica e-commerce Napoli;
Logistica B2B Milano;
Logistica industriale Milano;
Logistica B2B Roma;
Logistica B2B Parma;
Logistica B2B Verona;
Logistica B2B Torino;
Logistica B2B Bologna;
Logistica B2B Firenze;
The new e-commerce logistics portal eShop Logistic Srl has been active for a few weeks on Linkedin.
This social network is increasingly important in the business world and for job searches.
For users and visitors who wish to send their applications to ESL, we recommend accessing our page Linkedin and sending their Curriculum Vitae via message via this social network.
One of our HR managers will analyze your application and, in case of interest and alignment with the currently open applications, will contact you to arrange an initial interview.
Alternatively, send a contact request via the specific form.
We remind you that eShop Logistic Srl is a company specialized in integrated Logistics and Supply Chain services (visit the links for more technical information on these activities – Wikipedia) ranging from e-commerce Fulfillment services to B2B and omnichannel services.
The company relies on over 30 years of experience in the logistics, shipping and value-added services (VAS) sector on the national and international territory.
Its members, in fact, come from important logistics and warehouse staff management companies, making their package of operational, commercial and entrepreneurial experience available.
Our Italian and international logistics services include numerous operational services. Below we list some of them:
• Inbound services – receiving goods: unloading trucks, unloading containers, unloading groupage vehicles, unloading pallets, unloading packages, unloading hanging items.
Quantity control and quality control. Labeling and kitting services, value added services on demand, put-a-way. Possibility of specific photographic services for goods control.
• Warehousing and storage services for goods: storage of goods on shelves typical for the eCommerce sector, storage on pallet structures, storage of hanging items and rental of dedicated operational areas.
• Order preparation and management services: item picking, picking, packing, specific packaging actions, supply of packaging material, packaging and filling material with the utmost attention to sustainability. Specific value-added services, gift packages, Christmas packages, greeting cards, messaging and much more.
Our logistics provides services for both the eCommerce, retail, wholesale, omnichannel and metaverse sectors (see Wikipedia).
We offer tailor-made manual logistics services, but also automated ones with the use of structures managed by AI (see Wikipedia page) and robots or cobots (See Wikipedia).
• Transport and shipping services: full load shipments and transport, FTL, partial loads, LTL, Groupage, package and envelope shipments, express shipments, shipments with consolidated postal and semi-postal systems. We offer cross docking, drop shipping solutions. Our services are specific for B2C and B2B ecommerce. We offer tailor-made transport solutions with value-added services such as same day delivery, white glove shipments, COD – Cash on Delivery shipments, solutions with insurance, urgent shipping services and integrated returns. Our services are carried out in collaboration with the most important transporters and couriers but also with specific local services.
• Returns management services: for the e-Commerce and retail sectors, we offer specific solutions for returns management: unloading of goods, reception, quality control of returns, quantity control of returns, restoration, relabelling, packaging replacement, cleaning, stain removal, ironing, vaporization and many other services on request (VAS).
• Tailor-made logistics solutions: we offer fulfillment services by taking advantage of our existing structures, but also by proposing ex novo “Greenfield” or “Brownfield” solutions, i.e. identifying new areas and warehouses or those to be built, setting up new operational services, installing our IT systems and any automations. Furthermore, we can offer logistics outsourcing solutions: that is, we can enter our customers’ warehouses, hiring staff, setting up IT systems and automation. We also offer Marketplace logistics solutions.
• We are highly computerized: thanks to our e-commerce and B2B IT systems for the management of operational activities, we use WMS, TMS, CRM cloud systems (see Wikipedia). We are available to use the IT systems of our partners and customers. Thanks to our experience and flexibility we avoid unsustainable set up costs, since our systems are advanced and do not need months of programming before being ready! This guarantees safety and professionalism
• Insurance: we offer supply chain and logistics services eCommerce Italy, e-commerce logistics Italy, e-commerce logistics Italy, eCommerce Logistics Italy, fulfillment in Europe, eCommerce shipments with or without insurance.
• International Network: we are part of an international network capable of covering numerous areas of the world and helping our customers to internationalize and expand their services abroad. We offer the possibility of using a single IT Backbone and thanks to our international intervention group, we bring our experience anywhere in the world.
• Sustainable logistics: we offer super professional solutions in compliance with economic sustainability (competitive prices), without proposing significant logistics management costs, warehouse set up costs, project manager costs or investment costs (CAPEX) or operating costs (OPEX) : we are willing to invest in collaboration with our customers and partners. Care for sustainability is also care for the environment, therefore we pay the utmost attention to consumption, type of energy used, packaging and filling materials, waste and disposal management, smart working activities, etc.
• Various: we support our customers and partners by providing assistance and consultancy thanks to our pool of Key Accounts and Project Managers and by providing a Control Panel (Customer Area) which allows maximum visibility and transparency of the operational processes and services managed by us . We study each project using our Solution Designers and Logistic Engineers.
• Managed industries: we offer Italian and foreign logistics for various industries, such as: Consumer Products (Fashion Logistics, Fashion Logistics, Cosmetic Logistics, Dietary Products Logistics, Food Supplements Logistics, Luxury Logistics, Sports Goods Logistics, Footwear Logistics, Accessories Logistics, Material Logistics sports, jewelery and small parts logistics, etc.), Tech (IT items logistics, IT accessories logistics, hardware logistics, etc.), Healthcare and Dry food (without requests for controlled or refrigerated temperatures).
• Areas: eShop Logistic B2B and B2C logistics services offers services in Italy, Europe, USA, World.
Especially in Italy:
– Milan e-commerce logistics;
– Rome e-commerce logistics;
– Parma e-commerce logistics;
– Verona e-commerce logistics;
– Turin e-commerce logistics;
– E-commerce logistics Bologna;
– Florence e-commerce logistics;
– Bari e-commerce logistics;
– Naples e-commerce logistics;
– Milan e-commerce logistics;
– Rome e-commerce logistics;
– Parma e-commerce logistics;
– Verona e-commerce logistics;
– Turin e-commerce logistics;
– E-commerce logistics Bologna;
– Florence e-commerce logistics;
– Bari e-commerce logistics;
– Naples e-commerce logistics;
– B2B logistics Milan;
– Industrial logistics Milan;
– B2B logistics Rome;
– B2B logistics Parma;
– B2B logistics Verona;
– B2B logistics Turin;
– B2B logistics Bologna;
– B2B logistics Florence;
– B2B logistics Bari;
– B2B logistics Naples;
– B2B logistics Milan;
– B2B logistics Rome;
– B2B logistics Parma;
– B2B logistics Verona;
– B2B logistics Turin;
– B2B logistics Bologna;
– B2B logistics Florence;
– B2B logistics Bari;
– B2B logistics Naples;
– Logistics and shipping in Italy;
– Logistics and transport Italy;
– Online logistics;
– Omnichannel logistics;
– Omnichannel logistics;
– Ecommerce logistics Italy;
– E-commerce logistics Italy;
– B2B logistics Italy;
– Fulfillment Italy;
– Fulfillment in Europe;
– Fulfillment for Europe;
– Fulfillment 4 Europe;
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